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wif LiNoUz/Oracle,Sql

오라클 캐릭터셋 짜증


캐릭터셋때문에 짜증나 죽겄네 !

select distinct(nls_charset_name(charsetid)) CHARACTERSET,
decode(type#, 1, decode(charsetform, 1, 'VARCHAR2', 2, 'NVARCHAR2','UNKOWN'),
9, decode(charsetform, 1, 'VARCHAR', 2, 'NCHAR VARYING', 'UNKOWN'),
96, decode(charsetform, 1, 'CHAR', 2, 'NCHAR', 'UNKOWN'),
112, decode(charsetform, 1, 'CLOB', 2, 'NCLOB', 'UNKOWN')) TYPES_USED_IN
from sys.col$ where charsetform in (1,2) and type# in (1, 9, 96, 112)

order by types_used_in;

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